“Recovery is for Everyone”: September Marks National Recovery Month
September is National Recovery Month, which is a time to educate ourselves on substance misuse and mental health and celebrate those of us living in recovery and the medical professionals and support services that provide support and assistance. It’s also a time when people struggling with addiction are encouraged to get help so they too can lead fulfilling lives in recovery.
The theme for Recovery Month in 2021 is “Recovery is for Everyone: Every Person, Every Family, Every Community.” The purpose is to encourage increased accessibility to recovery support, to be more inclusive in these spaces, and to be open minded to people with different experiences regarding addiction and recovery.
Another important aspect of the “Recovery is for Everyone” theme is to end the stigma surrounding addiction and mental health, challenging many of the harmful myths that still permeate the way some of us think about and discuss these issues.
One of the ways we can reduce the stigma around substance use disorder (SUD) is in the language we use when discussing it. For one, person-first language is generally preferred when talking about people that suffer from addiction or mental illness—an example being use of the term “person with alcohol use disorder” as opposed to “alcoholic.” Person-first language more correctly implies that addiction is something that someone struggles with, whereas terms like “addict,” “junkie,” or “user” imply the person themselves is the problem and not their illness.
One should also consider avoiding language that implies addiction is a choice or a moral failing instead of an illness. For example, terms like “habit” implies that addiction is the result of a lack of willpower and that it is less serious than it really is, when in reality substance use disorder (SUD) is a chronic brain condition.
Treating Addiction and Entering Recovery
With all this discussion about SUD being a disease, it’s important to remember that it is treatable. And while addiction recovery is a highly individualized process there are evidence-based approaches that are proven effective in helping people maintain long-term sobriety.
An effective treatment facility can provide not only medically assisted detox, which enables someone to safely withdraw from substances, but also forms of therapy that help them replace their problematic thought and behavioral patterns and build healthy, supportive relationships in the long term. This is especially important in cases where someone may suffer from co-occurring disorders as well as addiction, which is very common.
Many people in recovery also benefit from aftercare, like joining a 12-step program or other programs that enlist the support of their peers.
Improvements to the healthcare system now prevent insurance companies from denying coverage for mental health care, which enables millions more Americans to get the treatment they need.
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