As the Admissions Director of AdCare Hospital, Adam Jakola drives collaboration between the Admissions, Laboratory, and Transportation Departments at the Hospital. Prior to this role, Adam served as the Nurse Manager at AdCare Hospital, where he played a crucial role in ensuring the well-being of the patients under his care.

With 7 years of dedicated service in the healthcare industry, Adam brings a wealth of expertise and compassion to the AdCare team. Adam has demonstrated a commitment to patient-centered care by actively engaging with patients and striving to understand and meet their needs.

Recognizing the importance of building strong connections, Adam takes the time to personally get to know the patients. By doing so, he establishes a foundation for open communication, making it easier to address any issues that may arise during their rehabilitation journey. Adam believes that sometimes, a patient simply needs to be listened to, and he makes it a point to lend a compassionate ear when necessary.

One of Adam’s favorite phrases to share with patients is a simple yet powerful reminder that “they matter,” a sentiment he actively incorporates into his daily interactions on the floors.

Adam Jakola earned his Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) from the University of Massachusetts Amherst in 2021. He is a registered nurse (RN) and is licensed by the Massachusetts Board of Registration in Nursing. Adam’s academic background and professional credentials underscore his commitment to maintaining high standards of care and furthering his impact on the well-being of AdCare’s patients.